Architecture is the Sound of Rain Falling on a Roof
Our work tends to involve taking care of things. We take care of buildings and we take care of our clients.
Our Service Philosophy
"Architecture is the sound of rain falling on a roof"
Our work tends to involve "taking care of things." We take care of buildings and we take care of our clients.
Our mantra is often, "how do we improve our client's life?" We all suffer, and everyone is Sisyphus with their own boulder to push up that mountain. We want to help. More than that, the purpose of an architect is to help our clients to feel bigger than life. To feel connected with the world. That connection, is the rain falling on the roof of your shelter.
Reducing the suffering of others is one clear meaning to for us in the work we do. But more than that, the point of Architecture (capital "A") is to help give meaning to our clients' lives and to help create the stage sets in which we live out the "play of life." Clients come to us with unique projects or problems to be solved.
We aren't drafters, we are Designers. We use our technical skills, experience, training, expertise as tools. The main service we provide is that which is most unexpected. Clients come to us so that we can impart to them that which hasn't yet been conceived.
All great architecture begins with great clients. Great clients already understand the value of an Architect's services. All of our work depends on a close collaboration between client and Architect. We are here to help. Come on in and have a talk about your project.
Please put assumptions about what "Architects Do" aside — and ask us if we can help. Our services include traditional Architectural design as well as Program Management, Construction Management, and Master Planning.
As our primary focus, we provide a full range of services related to California School Facilities including traditional Architectural design, Construction Management and Program Management services.

We enjoy the opportunity to take on public facilities projects, working with cities and counties to improve our local community.

We are proud of our expertise in solar projects, completing such work for schools and government facilities.
Though our focus is educational facilities, we have also assisted clients with commercial work over the years.